Friday, June 20, 2008

Phoenix lander may have found ice on Mars - Ada Es di Mars??

NASA'S Phoenix lander may have discovered ice on Mars.

Scientists believe material observed in a trench was ice that vapourised upon exposure, Associated Press reports.

Previous soil samples taken from the Martian arctic, where the Phoenix lander is exploring the possibility of habitation, have failed to show traces of water.

But it's the bright, vanishing crumbs of material that has scientists' excited.

"These little clumps completely disappearing over the course of a few days, that is perfect evidence that it's ice,'' Professor Peter Smith of the University of Arizona said. "There had been some question whether the bright material was salt. Salt can't do that.''

Scientists are hopeful Phoenix's arm has hit a layer of ice too hard for it to penetrate while attempting to dig another trench.

Three fruitless attempts have been made so far to progress the trench.

Phoenix is surrounded in the Martian Art polygon shapes in the ground similar to those found in Earth's permafrost regions.

The patterns on Earth are caused by seasonal expansion and shrinking of underground ice.

In 2002, the orbiting Mars Odyssey detected hints of a vast store of ice below the surface of Mars' polar regions.

Phoenix landed near Mars' north pole on May 25 and has a 90-day planned mission.


Warna putih di foto itu apa bener es?? Di bawah lapisan tanah?

Wah..kalau bener2 ada es di Mars...berarti bisa seperti bumi donk, kalau esnya mencair, jadi lautan, jadi banyak kehidupan, ikan, tumbuh2an di daratan....

Pindah deh kita hehehe bukan cuma ke rumah baru...tapi ke Planet gak kiamat duluan deh....

Allahualam deh... Peace :D

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