The University of Siena has set up a number of Doctoral Schools for the
academic year 2008/2009. Admission requirements for each school are
specified in the relevant regulations for participation.
General information is given below.
Further Info:
Online Application:
deadline: 23 May 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Open PhD positions, University of Siena, Italy
Antara, 26 April 2008
London - Atase Pendidikan KBRI Jerman Prof. Dr. Agus Rubiyanto
mengatakan kualitas pendidikan dan pengajaran di Indonesia akan dapat
ditingkatkan sehingga setara dengan universitas yang ada di Jerman dengan
diterapkannya program "Double Degree" .
Beberapa mahasiswa yang mengikuti program "Double Degree" ini menunjukkan
kualitas yang dapat dibanggakan dan mendapatkan respon positif dari rekan
universitas Jerman, ujar Prof Agus Rubiyanto dalam wawancara jarak jauh
dengan koresponden Antara London, Jumat sore.
Dikatakannya , minat mengembangkan program Dual Degree antara perguruan
tinggi di Indonesia dengan Jerman tidak hanya dikembangkan untuk universitas
negeri tetapi juga dengan universitas swasta yang memiliki infrastruktur
pendidikan dan penelitian yang sudah bagus.
Beberapa perguruan tingi di Indonesia telah melakukan kerja sama Double
Degree dengan universitas Jerman diantaranya Universitas Indonesia (UI)
dengan Universitas Duisburg-Essen untuk Program M.Sc. Informatika dan
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS) dengan Universitas
Applied Science Darmstadt untuk Program M.Sc Elektronika.
Perguruan tingi lainnya yaitu Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
(PENS-ITS) dengan Berufsakademie Tettnang untuk program B.Sc Elekronika dan
Mekatronika serta Institut Teknologi Bandung dengan Technical Universitas
Karlsruhe untuk bidang Geofisika. Dalam kesempatan itu , Agus Rubiyanto
juga menjelaskan mengenai keikutsertaan KBRI Berlin dalam pameran pendidikan
yang diadakan di di Gedung Kebudayaan Rusia (Russisches Haus der
Wissenschaft und Kultur) di Berlin.
Pameran pendidikan "International Fair for Higher and Continuing
Education," yang dilaksanakan untuk ketiga kalinya, berlangsung selama dua
hari dari tanggal 25 hingga 26 Mei diselenggarakan oleh Departemen
Pendidikan dan Riset Federal Jerman (BMBF) bersama Lembaga Pertukaran
Akademis Jerman (DAAD).
Pameran yang bertema StudyWorld 2008 itu diikuti sebanyak 208 peserta
terdiri atas beberapa perguruan tinggi di Swedia, Finlandia, Estonia,
Perancis, Jepang, Selandia Baru, Austria, Inggris, dan Jerman serta dua
kedutaan yaitu Indonesia dan Kanada.
Agus Rubiyanto mengatakan pameran StudyWorld adalah suatu pameran
internasional untuk studi, praktikum dan pendidikan akademis lanjutan,
Indonesia menampilkan profil perguruan tinggi yang dibuat Direktorat
Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti ) Depdiknas.  Profil perguruan tinggi
Indonesia yang ditampilkan adalah Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya (ITS), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Udayana (UNUD),
Universitas Samratulangi (UNSRAT), Universitas Negeri Solo (UNS), European
Overseas Campus (Program Kerjasama Universtas Flensburg dengan UNUD), ISI
Yogyakarta dan VEDC Malang.
Pada pameran tersebut KBRI Berlin juga menampilkan program beasiswa
Darmasiswa dari Pemerintah Indonesia yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa asing
yang ingin belajar bahasa Indonesia, seni, musik dan kerajinan dimana mereka
dapat memilih sendiri universitas dan politeknik di Indonesia yang mereka
Menurut Prof Agus Rubiyanto, pihak penyelenggara pameran sangat puas
dengan keikutsertaan KBRI Berlin dan juga antusias pengunjung yang datang
di stand Indonesia dan bertanya mengenai perusahaan Indonesia yang dapat
menampung mereka dalam melaksanakan praktikum.
Ribuan pengunjung sangat antusias dengan program ini dan bertanya sangat
detail tentang kehidupan dan situasi pendidikan di Indonesia, ujar Agus
Rubiyanto yang pada hari kedua Sabtu akan tampil dalam seminar dengan topik
"Studium und Praktikum in Indonesien".
Catatan: Ada kesalahan sedikit dalam tulisan ini, disini ditulis Atase
Pendidikan harusnya Asisten Atase Pendidikan.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Scientists say accumulation of greenhouse gases accelerating
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer
WASHINGTON - Major greenhouse gases in the air are accumulating faster than in the past despite efforts to curtail their growth.
Carbon dioxide concentration in the air increased by 2.4 parts per million last year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Wednesday, and methane concentrations also rose rapidly.
Concern has grown in recent years about these gases, with most atmospheric scientists concerned that the increasing accumulation is causing the earth's temperature to rise, potentially disrupting climate and changing patterns of rainfall, drought and other storms.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has worked to detail the scientific bases of this problem and the Kyoto agreement sought to encourage countries to take steps to reduce their greenhouse emissions. Some countries, particularly in Europe, have taken steps to reduce emissions.
But carbon dioxide emissions, primarily from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas have continued to increase.
Since 2000, annual increases of two parts per million or more have been common, compared with 1.5 ppm per year in the 1980s and less than one ppm per year during the 1960s, NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory said.
Global concentration of carbon dioxide is now nearly 385 parts per million. Preindustrial carbon dioxide levels hovered around 280 ppm until 1850. Human activities pushed those levels up to 380 ppm by early 2006.
Rapidly growing industrialization in Asia and rising wetland emissions in the Arctic and tropics are the most likely causes of the recent methane increase, said Ed Dlugokencky from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory.
Methane in the atmosphere rose by 27 million tons last year after nearly a decade with little or no increase, he said.
Methane is 25 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but there's far less of it in the atmosphere. When related climate affects are taken into account, methane's overall climate impact is nearly half that of carbon dioxide.
Read more ...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
MyMiniCity - Online
Bingung mo ngapain lagi?
Bingung bandwidth internet unlimited loe cuman buat download bokep?? pengen laen yang seru lucu?
Sudah pernah maen SimCity 2000? tapi online...
Disini ...
Loe bisa bikin kota yang loe mau, kasih forward link kota loe ke semua orang yang loe kenal...maka populasi kota loe akan bertambah setiap klik unik pengunjung yang dateng ke MiniCity loe?
keren gak...Just try it...Funny & Free of course...
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hati-hati / !!!
Terima kasih banyak buat mas Priyadi atas sharing infonya di blog beliau..
Mungkin ada beberapa temen yang lebih dulu tahu tentang investasi 'arisan online' ini, tapi lebih baik tetap saya tulis di blog saya ini karena untuk sharing info dan pencerahan aja, terutama mengenai gimana sebenarnya 'arisan online' ini yang banyak beredar emailnya ke email pribadi kita, email kantor kita, yang bahkan kita sendiri tidak kenal si pengirim email tersebut.
Sebenernya saya sudah 6 bln terakhir tahu ttg ini. Dapet email ga tau dari siapa, ga kenal, tapi saya maju mundur, pengen ikut terus ga jadi, terus lupa lagi,
eeee jeketek hehehe 2 minggu yg lalu dapet email ttg arisan ini lagi, en sebenernya nie malem pengen ‘nyoba’ (kaya narkoba hehe) nyoba ikutan en mau transfer, eeh penasaran lagi terus mo browsing dulu nyari info soal ’sisi gelap’nya ada gak ttg sistem ini…ternyataaa.... ketemu blognya mas Pri…
Ternyata beliau ini telah membuat 'penelitian' simple dengan hasil yang kontroversial...hehehe
ternyata eeh ternyata ... sistem arisan online ini yang katanya tertulias di website itu "....pendiri/founder program justru tidak mendapatkan keuntungan apapun, sehingga sistem ini tidak bisa ditiru. Program Investasi Asia Bersama diciptakan semata-mata dengan niat ikhlas untuk membantu sesama." Bohong belaka. Script PHP di website mereka telah 'dimodifikasi' supaya mencapai 'tujuan' mereka. Setiap script untuk new member...untuk transaksi transfer pendaftaran selalu diselipkan no rekening bank 4 orang pemilik website tersebut.
Ternyata sistem tersebut bukan sistem arisan online yang bersih dari tipu daya & kecurangan...
Silahkan baca postingan bung Priyadi ini...Recommended buat kita supaya tidak mudah tergiur tanpa sistem yang jelas & bersih..
-- Priyadi's Place: Program ‘Investasi’ AsiaBersama --
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sayonara... Sacho Hayashi
Di bulan April 2008 ini adalah bulan terakhir masa tugas Presiden Direktur (Sacho) Hayashi di Sumitomo Batam.
Sejak akhir tahun 2003 sampe April 2008 ini beliau sudah memimpin Sumitomo batam 4 tahun lamanya. Meski gw cuma baru 6 bulan disini tapi gw sudah bisa melihat gaya kepemimpinan beliau di perusahaan ini. Kalau gw lihat meskipun ketika masuk Sumitomo batam beliau sudah berusia 58 tahun, namun beliau masih mampu membuktikan kemampuannya sebagai seorang pemimpin di usia yang cukup tua bagi orang Indonesia. Maklumlah orang Jepang, yang memang disana umur 50 tahun keatas masih pada segar bugar semua.
Beliau orangnya tegas, mau terjun langsung ke produksi. Memberikan nasehat, masukan, bahkan perintah ke anak buahnya yang bahkan semuanya berusia di bawah usia beliau. Mungkin sifat itulah yang harus kita contoh untuk diri kita pribadi. Janganlah kita gampang puas akan sesuatu yang kita raih. Teruslah belajar, bekerja, memberikan sesuatu yang terbaik di tiap hari kita hidup & menghirup udara di dunia ini. Ulet, rajin, pekerja keras, sifat-sifat dari kebanyakan orang Jepang yang patut kita teladani.
1 bulan terakhir gw dan anak2 accounting lainnya jadi lebih deket sama beliau. Karena sebulan ini sudah 2 kali beliau mengajak kita maen bowling di mall BCS Batam, yang awalnya sebenarnya gw yang ngajak anak2 accounting maen bowling 1 bulan 1x, ikut serta juga sekretaris sacho, mbak Tanty. Ternyata pas kapan gitu, mbak Tanty cerita pada sacho kalau beberapa bulan terakhir maen bowling dengan anak2 accounting.
Eeh...ternyata malah beliau kepengen sekali. Akhirnya beliau mengajak kita, accounting section, bowling bersama. Untuk have fun aja. Mungkin sekalian sacho pengen maen bowling bareng anak buahnya terakhir kali.. hehehe
Ms. Tanty, and Sacho Hayashi
From left to right: Ms. Soli, Mrs. Vera, Mr. S, Mr. Hanry, me, Sacho Hayashi
Ms. Tanty, Mr. Anom and Sukardi
Orbit Bumi Penuh 'Sampah'
Sejak 4 Oktober 1957 sampai Januari 2008, telah terdapat sekitar 4.600 peluncuran pesawat luar angkasa yang mengorbitkan setidaknya 6.000 satelit! 400 diantaranya 'beterbangan' di luar geostationary orbit, hanya 800 satelit diantaranya yang beroperasi. Plus puing-puing yang beterbangan bebas, sisa-sisa dari peluncuran satelit ataupun karena kecelakaan.
Sesuai keterangan ESA (European Space Operations Center), ini merupakan berita buruk dan diperlukan langkah-langkah untuk menanganinya. Sedangkan wacana untuk mengembalikan satelit-satelit tersebut kembali ke Bumi dapat dikatakan sangat mahal.
Inilah foto Bumi apabila dilihat dari luar angkasa.
[INFO] Rekrutmen Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Program D1
Pengumuman Rekrutmen Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Program D1
18 April 2008
PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & D.I Yogyakarta membuka
kesempatan kepada siswa dan lulusan SMK jurusan Listrik, Akuntansi,
Keuangan serta SMU Jurusan IPA untuk berkarir bersama PT PLN
(Persero), melalui Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Program D1 yang dididik
menjadi Junior Operator dan Junior Officer.
Proses seleksi menggunakan sistem gugur, hanya pelamar yang memenuhi
persyaratan saja yang berhak mengikuti seleksi tahap berikutnya,
materi seleksi meliputi :
1) Seleksi Administrasi
2) Tes Fisik
3) Tes Akademik
4) Tes Psikologi
5) Tes Wawancara
6) Tes Kesehatan
Peserta Beasiswa yang bisa mendapatkan nilai Indek Prestasi
Komulatif (IPK) lebih besar atau sama dengan 2,75 (dua koma tujuh
lima) pada skala 4, dan memenuhi kompetensi teknis sesuai kebutuhan
jabatan setelah mengikuti On the Job Training (OJT) akan diangkat
menjadi pegawai PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah dan D.I
1. Umum :
a) Lamaran/pendaftaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan Rekrutmen, PO BOX
6240 SMG
b) Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 2 Mei 2008, cap pos
c) Hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi yang akan dipanggil
mengikuti seleksi tahap berikutnya.
2. Persyaratan dan Tata Cara Lamaran/pendaftaran :
Informasi tentang Persyaratan dan tata cara mengajukan
lamaran/pendaftaran dapat dilihat pada website PLN : dapat
didownload di sini, atau di lihat di Kantor PT PLN (Persero) Area
Pelayanan dan Jaringan (APJ) berserta Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan
(UPJ) terdekat di wilayah Jawa Tengah & D.I Yogyakarta
3. Lain-lain :
a) Pendaftaran/lamaran tidak dipungut biaya
b) Bagi yang lulus seluruh tahap seleksi mendapatkan beasiswa (bebas
biaya) program Diploma Satu (D1) pada Politeknik Negeri Semarang
atau UGM Yogyakarta.
c) Selama mengikuti kuliah diberikan bantuan uang saku kuliah.
Semarang, 19 April 2008
Konsultan Rekrutmen
[posted for]
[INFO] PhD Scholarships in Economics - Siena Italy
PhD Scholarships in Economics
University of Siena (Italy)
The University of Siena invites applications for the Graduate Program in
Economics. The University and the city offer a unique environment for
study and research in Europe.
Scholarships.A maximum of 20 students will be admitted. The 10 most
qualified candidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship of about
10,500 ($16,500) per year, after tax, for a total of about $42,000
($67,000), plus tuition remission. A limited number of students can take
advantage of lodging offered by the University of Siena in the
Post-Graduate College "S. Chiara"
( sited in the historical
centre of Siena.
The Graduate Program. The goal of the program is to train professional
economists. Former students hold positions as economists in the
academia, in consulting businesses, and in national and internationals
economic institutions, such as central banks and regulators.
The first two years of the Program are devoted to full-time courses. All
of these are taught in English, the official language of the Program.
After fundamental training in Mathematics, Microeconomics,
Macroeconomics and Econometrics, a full menu of specialized courses is
offered. Students are exposed to different theoretical and
methodological points of view, in order to be able to explore the
frontier of economics in an original way. Students are also required to
participate in research activities, such as economics seminars and
workshops. Admission to the second year is conditioned on the results of
all first year final exams. Starting from the second year, students will
develop their own research, under the supervision of a faculty member.
While working at their dissertation, students are encouraged to
undertake periods of research in foreign academic institutions. In this
case the scholarship is increased by 50%. The doctorate is awarded after
discussion of an original piece of scientific work (which can be written
in Italian or in English). For further information about the Program,
please visit
Application process. Applicants must hold, or obtain by September 30
2008, an Italian "laurea specialistica" or a "4-years laurea" or
equivalent 4-5 years foreign degree. There are no limitations on the
nationality of candidates. Prospective students are required to apply
using the on-line procedure at the following website:
The deadline for application is May 23, 2008. In addition to the on-line
application, the following documentation is required (either in Italian
of in English):
1. Curriculum vitae 2. Academic transcripts. These must contain a full
list of courses taken and grades obtained. 3. Two letters of reference,
in sealed envelopes. These must assess the student's aptitudes towards
research, competence, scientific potential and maturity, in comparative
terms. 4. A research statement, not exceeding 1000 words. 5. (OPTIONAL)
A short scientific essay, not longer than 5000 words, resulting from
independent research by the candidate.
All required documentation must be sent by May 23, 2008 to the following
address: Ufficio Formazione e Post-Laurea DOTTORATO IN ECONOMIA POLITICA
c/o Collegio Santa Chiara Via Valdimontone n. 1 53100 Siena, Italy.
Selection of Students. The selection of candidates will be based on an
evaluation of their aptitude and competence to research. To this
purpose, the examination commission might ask some of the candidates to
sit for a written exam and an interview, to be held in Siena in the
late-Spring or early-Summer of 2008; in this case, the candidates will
be notified by email a couple of weeks before (however, the University
cannot be held responsible for failed communications due to the
candidate supplying late or incorrect information regarding his/her
address). The exams will be in Italian or in English. The University
reserves the right to exclude from the selection process, at any time,
candidates who do not meet the admission requirements.
Further information. For further information, please contact the
secretariat of the graduate program:
Francesca Fabbri: Margherita Fusi:[posted for]
[INFO] Ph.D. position Dynamic Macroeconomics -- Germany
Ph.D. position Dynamic Macroeconomics
University of Konstanz (Germany)
The Department of Economics at the University of Konstanz (Germany)
offers positions as Research/Teaching Assistants at the Chair of
Economic Theory (Professor Leo Kaas). The positions last for a period of
three years and start October 1st 2008.
The successful candidates are expected to participate in a research
project on "Growth and volatility with endogenous financial development"
supported by the German Research Foundation. They will be given the
opportunity to pursue a Ph.D. and are expected to participate in the
Department's Ph.D. program "Quantitative Economics and Finance". They
should hold a degree in Economics or in a related field (e.g.
Mathematics or Mathematical Economics). Good knowledge of Macroeconomic
Theory, General Equilibrium Theory and Dynamical Systems is expected.
The University of Konstanz is an equal-opportunity employer.
Applications from female candidates are especially welcome. Disabled
candidates are given preference by equal qualification.
(Schwerbehindertenvertretung: Tel.: 88-3725).
Please send your application including CV and certificates until May
31st 2008 to the above address. Electronic applications (to: are welcome.[posted for]
[INFO] Doctoral Scholarships Available - Economics in Germany
Doctoral Scholarships Available
Department of Economics, University of Konstanz (Germany)
Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance
The doctoral programme gives students a firm background in the newest
theoretical concepts and quantitative methods of economics and finance,
in order to gain the skills needed to write a doctoral thesis in line
with the highest internationally recognised standards. Aside from
training in economic theory and econometrics, which provides the tools
to undertake research in a wide range of research fields, students
acquire expertise in the main research fields of the department, e.g.
finance, labour economics, public economics, behavioural economics.
The doctoral programme offers the benefits of an American Ph.D. programme
with a well-structured curriculum. This enables students to progress
quickly towards their thesis topic and their own research interests. The
programme takes care to provide the active involvement of supervising
professors, special doctoral seminars and the opportunity to complete
research papers. The entire programme is conducted in English. Graduates
of the programme are prepared for leading positions in academic
institutions, industry, the financial sector and government departments.
The three-year programme is open to graduates and pending graduates with
an outstanding master's degree or a German "Diplom" in economics,
business economics, mathematics or related fields.
Outstanding doctoral students are supported by a three-year scholarship.
The Department of Economics at the University of Konstanz is one of the
premier departments of its kind in Germany.
The University of Konstanz is one of the nine Universities of Excellence
in Germany.
For further information and to apply for the doctoral programme, visit
our website at:[posted for]
Monday, April 21, 2008
Seleb juga manusia.. yang juga bisa tua :D
Buat para wanita, mohon disimak. En buat para pria, ini lucu banget...hahahaha
Read more ...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Muda Penakut, Tua Pemberani
Saat terancam bahaya, semut muda akan diam dan tumbang seolah tewas dengan tubuh yang kaku. Musuhnya biasanya mendekat dan memeriksa, namun akan membiarkannya mungkin karena mengiranya mati. Begitu musuh pergi, semut tersebut akan bangun dan segera berlari.
"Tidak ada seorang pun yang pernah melaporkan hal ini sebelumnya, dan hal tersebut membuat kami terkejut," ujar Deby Cassill, seorang pakar evolusi biologi di University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, AS.
Namun, perilaku tersebut berubah drastis saat semut menginjak dewasa. Semut merah memang dikenal agresif menyerang musuhnya. Semut yang berusia kurang dari enam bulan cenderung menghindar dari musuh, sementara yang berusia enam bulan hingga usia maksimumnya sekitar setahun cenderung agresif dan suka menyerang.
"Semua semut pekerja adalah jenis betina steril, jasi mereka ibarat wanita tua pemberani yang mau berjuang sampai titik darah penghabisan," ujar Cassill. Menurutnya, salah satu alasan perubahan perilaku ini berkaitan dengan pertumbuhan tubuh semut merah.
Eksoskeleton atau kulit terluar pada semut muda masih terlalu lunak sehingga mudah terluka dan tidak punya kekuatan cukup untuk mendesak musuh. Sementara pada semut dewasa, kulitnya sudah keras dan relatif lebih tahan dari goresan.
Perilaku berpura-pura mati sebelumnya telah diketahui dilakukan beberapa jenis hewan untuk menipu lawan atau menghindari serangan predatornya. Misalnya opposum, bison, dan ular-ular tertentu.(LIVESCIENCE/WAH)
7 Cara Menyayangi Suami
Anda ingin membuat suami bahagia dan merasa beruntung telah menikahi wanita impian (yaitu Anda)? Hal itu sebenarnya tidaklah sulit. Terapkanlah salah satu atau beberapa tips berikut ini. [posted for]
1. Beri waktu untuk sendiri
Selain pekerjaan dan keluarga, seorang pria membutuhkan waktu untuk dirinya sendiri. Katakan pada pasangan bahwa Anda mengerti akan hal itu. Namun, jangan sampai melupakan kewajiban rumah tangga. Anda dapat membahasnya berdua tentang bagaimana dan seberapa sering dia dapat menggunakan waktunya untuk diri sendiri.
2. Dengarkanlah dia
Ada saatnya suami menuntut perhatian penuh dengan meminta Anda mendengarkan ceritanya. Mungkin tentang sesuatu yang bukan minat Anda seperti tentang tim sepak bola kesayangannya. Pandai-pandailah bersikap. Tak ada ruginya, kok, memberi perhatian atas apa yang diceritakannya.
3. Beri waktu untuk sosialisasi
Berkumpul bersama teman-teman bagi seorang pria sangatlah penting. Dia bebas bercerita apa saja dan memberinya semangat baru. Pengertian yang Anda berikan padanya ketika dia ingin pergi keluar bersama teman-temannya membuatnya merasakan kedekatan yang luar biasa tanpa tuntutan yang berlebihan.
4. Beri perhatian kecil
Bagaimana jika Anda merapikan meja kerja suami yang sangat berantakan atau telah menyiapkan secangkir kopi yang masih hangat sepulangnya dari kantor? Pasti dia akan tersentuh. Perhatian-perhatian kecil sangat berarti bagi pasangan. Hal ini mengingatkannya pada kebutuhannya dan penemuan atas dirinya yang merupakan prioritas.
5. Beri pujian
Rasa percaya diri pria dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai seorang suami, baik kehebatannya di ranjang atau perilakunya sebagai ayah, patut diberi pujian sesering mungkin. Pastikan pujian itu tulus serta tidak berlebihan.
6. Beri kepercayaan
Jangan selalu mengatakan padanya untuk berhati-hati mengendarai mobil atau untuk segera menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapinya dengan orang tuanya. Terlalu banyak nasihat akan membuatnya merasa tidak dipercaya dan hal ini dapat menjadi bumerang bagi Anda.
7. Wujudkan impiannya
Bila dia mengatakan pada Anda bahwa suatu hari, dia sungguh-sungguh ingin naik gunung, coba tanya pada diri sendiri, apa yang ingin Anda berikan pada pasangan? Dukungan atau malah mau menghancurkannya? Dengan segala permasalahan yang dihadapi, perlu juga memberikan sedikit ruang untuk mewujudkan petualangan yang nyata.(Aline)
Presentation Scholarship MBA in France - 19/04/2008 10 to 12 am
Ambassade de France en Indonésie (CampusFrance) Sampoerna Foundation cordially invites you to attend:
MBA in France Scholarship Information Session
Saturday / April 19, 2008 / 10 AM 12 PM
Centre Cultural Français
Jl. Salemba Raya 25, Jakarta 10440
For more information:
Emilie Cezard, Inti Utami, Ella Cecillia
Phone: 021-3101884 (CampusFrance)
Email: emilie.cezard@
Ambassade de France en Indonésie Sampoerna Foundation MBA Scholarship
Ambassade de France en Indonésie Sampoerna Foundation MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia 's future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides two (2) full scholarships for the qualified individuals to pursue a Master's of Business Administration degree at leading business schools in France . Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.
Application deadline is May 30, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Basic Requirements
Indonesian citizen under 35 years of age when lodging the application
Hold a local Bachelor's degree from any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
Have a valid proof of GMAT and TOEFL as required by each Program (GMAT and TOEFL score can be submitted when applicants pass Sampoerna Foundation selection)
Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master's degree or equivalent
Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship
Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award
Demonstrate that without the scholarship, they are not able to afford an MBA in France
All applicants selected as Finalists shall have to take language course in the appointed institution by SCAC and pass the DELF (Diplôme d´Études en Langue Française) B1 and B2 Test
What is covered?
This scholarship is worth approximately USD 90,000 to USD 120,000 per student, depending on the country and university, for the duration of study and it covers:
· GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
· University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
· Student visa application fee;
· Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
· Tuition fees;
· Living allowance;
· Literature allowance.
List of universities
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2009 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following universities:
HEC Paris
ESCP EAP European School of Management
Essec Business School
*Reference: Financial Times European Business Schools 2007
Prospective applicants should directly contact the universities or CampusFrance (021 310 1884) to find out about the admission process and requirements for enrolment. Applicants' inquiries about the scholarship (requirements, conditions, coverage, etc.) should be directed to Sampoerna Foundation.
How to Apply?
Download the application package (application, reference and health information forms) at www.sampoernafounda
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th 27th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
When submitting the application package, please write the name of the program at the top right hand corner of the envelope. Sampoerna Foundation will only consider the completed applications and will notify the short-listed applicants to attend the continuing stages of the selection process.
Further Information
Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including our policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafounda
[posted for]
Peringatkan Istri atau kekasih dan anak gadis anda..
Hai para wanita, air dalam botol plastik di mobil Anda, sangatlah berbahaya!!!!
Dengan cara inilah Sheryl Crow mengalami kanker payudara. Dia tampil di acara Ellen show dan mengatakan hal yang sama persis.
Hal ini telah diidentifikasikan sebagai penyebab paling utama pada kanker payudara, terutama di Australia. Seorang teman yang ibunya didiagnosa mengidap kanker payudara baru-baru ini. Dokter berkata : wanita tidak boleh meminum minuman yang sudah lama berada di dalam mobil.
Dokter berkata bahwa hawa panas yang memanaskan bahan plastik dalam botol memiliki bahan kimia tertentu yangdapat menyebabkan kanker payudara. Jadi tolong berhati-hatilah dan jangan minum air dalam botol plastik yang sudah ditinggalkan di dalam mobil, dan beritahukan ke teman-teman wanita Anda.
Informasi seperti ini sangatlah kita perlu karena kita harus berhati-hati, dan mungkin akan menyelamatkan hidup kita. Hawa panas dapat menyebabkan toksin/racun dari plastik menjadi bocor dan bercampur dengan air dan mereka telah menemukan racun ini pada jaringan payudara. Sebisa mungkin gunakan gelas stainless steel atau botol kaca.
Biarlah semua orang yang mempunyai istri atau teman wanita atau anak perempuan mengetahui ini semua.
[posted for]
Monday, April 14, 2008
Today's Garfield Comic

Metro TV news presenter walk-in interview @FEUI April 17th 2008
Posted by: "rainy days" d4ncing_intherain
Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:10 pm (PDT)
Journalist Day 2008 presents :
Company Visit : METRO TV & TRANS 7 ? ¦'¶ April 18th
Prepare your CV for Metro TV news presenter walk ? ¦'¶ in ? ¦'¶
interview on Thursday @FEUI April 17th 2008"
Please bring your CV to the registration comitee of Journalist Days 2008 :
Monday, April 14, 2008 @Dekanat FEUI Fl. 1, Depok, 09.00 - 13.00 WIB
Tuesday & Wednesady, April 15-16, 2008 @TRITURA Room, Gedung B Fl. 2, FEUI -
Depok,09.00 - 13.00 WIB
Walk ? ¦'¶ in interview by :Fifi Aleyda Yahya
For more information, please click
[posted for]
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Naiknya Permukaan Laut
Ini dia artikel yang akan membuat bulu kuduk anda berdiri.
Di tahun 2100, diperkirakan oleh pakar lingkungan hidup sedunia permukaan air laut secara global akan naik 1 meter dari permukaan air laut sekarang. Bayangkan apabila hal tersebut akan benar-benar terjadi sekarang. Masya Allah!
Perkiraan ini bukan merupakan omong kosong belaka, melihat perubahan cuaca secara global akibat pemanasan global, yang membawa bencana alam di penjuru dunia beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Estimasi model perkiraan kenaikan permukaan laut tersebut dapat anda lihat di situs Sea Level Rise. Di situs tersebut, secara visual & berdasarkan kategori warna, mencoba menggambarkan daerah-daerah & kota-kota mana saja di dunia yang akan tertutup oleh air laut karena global warming, yang diperkirakan akan terjadi 100 - 200 tahun lagi. Anda juga dapat melihat visualisasi aplikasi ini lebih interaktif dengan menggunakan software Google Earth (FREE).
Saya sudah melihat kota Surabaya dan Jakarta yang akan tenggelam, jika air laut terus naik sampai 7 meter!! Masyaallah...
Diperkirakan apabila seluruh lapisan es di Greenland dan kutub selatan (Antartika) mencair, permukaan air laut yang akan naik adalah kurang lebih 65 meter!! Bahkan cuma dataran tinggi seperti di Bandung dan Malang saja yang akan selamat di pulau Jawa.
Data perkiraan kenaikan permukaan air laut tersebut diolah dari data yang diperoleh oleh CGIR, NASA dan NOAA.
Berikut Sea Level Rise Explorer untuk Jakarta & Jawa Barat. Anda bisa menggeser ke peta daerah/kota yang ingin anda lihat.
Garfield Hidup !!
Perkenalkan, nama saya Orazio. Saya adalah Garfield yang sebenarnya hahahaha.... dan kesukaan saya adalah makan kucing laen hihihi....
Catholics seek bold papal action on sex abuse
Saturday, April 12, 2008
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Catholics angered and demoralized by the priest sex abuse scandal say one man can help revitalize the Church with bold action: Pope Benedict.
The pope's trip to Washington and New York next week marks the first U.S. visit by a pontiff since a wave of sex abuse scandals began in 2002, provoking lawsuits that have forced dioceses to pay more than $2 billion in settlements.
Some advocates for the victims want the pope to apologize, others want him to permanently ban child molesters from the priesthood, or publicly identify them.
The Vatican has said Pope Benedict will discuss the scandal during his U.S. visit in an effort to heal wounds. Meetings with sex abuse victims are not on the pope's public schedule, but sometimes events are added at the last minute.
"In addition to apologizing, Pope Benedict and all our bishops should meet with survivors, listen to their stories, and treat them with respect and compassion," said Dan Bartley, president of Voice of the Faithful, a Boston-based group formed after the scandal erupted there.
Bartley called it "good news" that Benedict will address the issue, but the group wants more accountability and transparency from the Church.
The Church commissioned a study that found 10,667 people accused 4,392 priests of child sexual abuse from 1950 to 2002. Church leaders have said the study illustrates how serious they are about the problem, laying bare secrets while other institutions have not.
Moreover, it has changed its rules to more easily dismiss priests whenever there is a credible claim of abuse, said Sister Mary Ann Walsh, spokeswoman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Walsh could not say how many of the more than 4,000 priests were removed -- many had died or retired by the time the report came out -- but she said the pope would address the victims' suffering.
"It's very close to Holy Father's heart. He's just horrified by this crime," Walsh said.
The Boston Globe reported in 2002 that 130 people were abused by a former priest over three decades and he was reassigned to different parishes rather than removed from contact with young boys.
The scandal grew from there, forcing Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law to resign. The Boston Archdiocese later agreed to pay up to $85 million to settle lawsuits filed by hundreds of people who said they were sexually abused by clergy.
More claims and suits led dioceses across the country to file for bankruptcy protection. Others paid settlements, including the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, which agreed to pay a record $660 million to 500 victims of sexual abuse.
The image of bishops suffered but has rebounded. A poll of U.S. Catholic adults scheduled for release on Sunday shows 72 percent are somewhat or very satisfied with their bishops, up from 58 percent in 2004, Walsh said.
Barbara Blaine, who formed the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, suspects the pope may meet with carefully selected victims in what she called a public relations gesture.
She said the Church continues to protect the identities of abusers and the bishops who know of their sins.
"The stakes are so high. Children are at risk. There's a public safety crisis still in America today," Blaine said. "We need something bold from the pope and we sure hope it will come during his visit." (Editing by Stacey Joyce)
Rencana perjalanan Paus ke Amerika minggu depan ternyata telah ditunggu-tunggu oleh segenap masyarakat Amerika, khususnya mereka yang marah dan kecewa atas terkuaknya kasus-kasus pelecehan seksual terhadap anak-anak yang dilakukan oleh pendeta-pendeta gereja Katolik di Amerika. Karena terhitung sejak 1950 sampai dengan 2002, telah tercatat 10.667 tuntutan terhadap 4.392 pendeta atas tuduhan pelecehan seksual seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Komisi Gabungan Gereja-gereja Katolik di Amerika Serikat !!
Ajee gile...banyak bener kasus pelecehan seksual oleh pendeta gereja Katolik di Amerika Serikat. Gereja yang seharusnya merupakan tempat peribadatan religius, dengan pendeta sebagai pemuka agama yang dihormati dan disegani, ternyata mempunyai mental bejat, tega melakukan perbuatan biadab terhadap anak-anak asuhnya sendiri bahkan....mereka tidak memikirkan luka trauma yang akan dialami anak-anak tersebut selama hidup mereka. Mereka bisa berubah dari anak yang periang, ceria, menjadi pendiam, penyendiri, tertutup.
Bukan tidak mungkin, mereka bisa menjadi gay (misal), menjadi pekerja seksual bahkan, karena merasa dirinya seperti sampah, tidak berguna, tersia-sia, karena telah dinodai, dilecehkan oleh orang yang dia hormati, segani, dia anggap paling dekat seperti orang tua sendiri...Apa pendeta-pendeta itu tidak memikirkan akibat seperti itu ya?? Cuma Penisnya aja (maaf) yang dipikirkan supaya bisa mengeluarkan air mani...(maaf emosi)
mungkin sebaiknya Wilders bikin film tentang kasus-kasus pelecehan seksual seperti ini, yang bahkan memberikan dampak sangat besar bagi generasi kita, tidak hanya yang menjadi korban perbuatan biadab tersebut.
Namun bukan karena perbuatan segelintir orang tersebut maka agama Katolik menjadi agama yang suka melakukan pelecehan seksual, bukan?
Bukan hanya karena perbuatan segelintir orang ekstrimis yang patriotis, marah & kesal karena negaranya diinjak-injak, menjadi agama teroris....semua Muslim teroris yang menyukai kekerasan?? Benar-benar picik sekali Wilder kalau begitu?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Schlumberger Faculty for the Future for PhD and Postdoc
Schlumberger Faculty for the Future
Women in science and technology Faculty for the Future is a strategic
partnership with the education sector in emerging economies to encourage
women in their pursuit of academic careers in science and technology.
Building on our worldwide network of university relationships, this program
provides funding for advanced graduate study. The long-term goal is to
support role models and improve gender balance at the faculty level so that
more young women are attracted into scientific disciplines.
Grant recipients in the Faculty for the Future program are expected to
return to their home countries to continue their academic careers.
Application process The 2007-2008 program is closed.
We received 180 applications this year—a new record—and are pleased to
announce the names of the successful candidates who join our 95-strong
community of Faculty for the Future fellows.
Names of new and renewed Faculty for the Future
fellows (
are available now.
The 2008-2009 program will open on September 1st.
Eligibility Women must meet the following criteria:
- are preparing for PhD or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences
and related technologies
- have a proven track record demonstrating commitment to teaching
- demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach to
encourage young women in to the sciences
- have a strong academic record, with teaching and research
Schlumberger Foundation Grants range from USD 25,000 to 50,000 per year and
may be renewed up to two times subject to performance, self-evaluation, and
recommendations from supervisors. The amount of the grant depends on the
costs of study and living in the chosen location.
Sabtu yang biasa di Batam..
Sabtu ini hari sabtu yang biasa buat gw. Mo pergi tapi ga tau mau kemana. Mulai pagi langit mendung, siangnya pun hujan, jadi males banget pergi. Serasa gw emang tidak diperbolehkan pergi keluar kali ya. Tapi tadi gw udah bikinin blog buat sobat gw, en dia seneng banget karena bisa ngeblog juga, maksudnya ngiri liat blog gw & pengen punya blog sendiri juga gitu hehehehe......ya udin gw bantu bikinin.
Ya udah. Mungkin minggu depan deh pergi-perginya.
Mau pergi bowling lagi juga mungkin minggu depan, sama Presdir & temen-temen kantor juga. Mau diajak maen bowling lagi, sekalian perpisahan Presdir gitu hehe...
Kalau gitu, gw harus menang di game berikutnya. Secara seminggu yg lalu gw nomer 2, sebenarnya seh gw ngalah, ga enak kalau gw menang sama Presdir, secara bosss gw yang bayarin hehehe ya udah gw ngalah nomer 2 deh. Tapi lumayan dapet bulpen dari boss. pergi dulu cari makan, terus nonton vcd....tidur deh...hahahaha
so tragic my life is, here in Batam...
Dari Istri Predir - Foto Pohon Sakura di Jepang
Minggu kemarin, aku dapat email dari ibu Presiden Direktur yang ada di Jepang. Beliau mengirimkan foto-foto yang diambilnya di dekat rumah beliau. Foto-foto pohon sakura yang sedang berbunga, bagus banget, karena saat ini di Jepang sedang musim semi.
File size sebenarnya berukuran 1280 pixel lebih, tapi karena kondisi bandwidth internetku cuma CDMA Starone maka aku edit menjadi 200 pixel ajah lebarnya buat sharing dengan kalian.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Help for Sex-Starved Wives
Monday, Apr. 07, 2008
Bestselling author and Today show and Oprah regular Michele Weiner Davis, is no stranger to private marital matters. Weiner Davis, a clinical social worker, has been working closely with couples — those on the brink of divorce or otherwise in crisis — for more than 20 years. She's collected some of her wisdom in her new book, The Sex-Starved Wife: What to Do When He's Lost Desire (Simon & Schuster), another intimate "brown paper bag" title, as she jokingly calls it (others include Divorce Busting and The Sex-Starved Marriage). TIME reporter Andrea Sachs caught up with Weiner Davis by phone at her home in Boulder.
TIME: There's a popular image of husbands who can't get enough sex. Is that a myth?
Weiner Davis: A few years ago, I wrote a book called The Sex-Starved Marriage, where I described what happens in marriages where one spouse is desperately longing for more touch or more sex than the other. In that book, I devoted a mere seven pages to the unique challenges for women when they're the more highly sexed spouse. I was inundated with calls, letters and e-mails from women saying, Thank you so much for writing about this because I honestly believed I was the only woman in the world whose husband wasn't chasing her around the living room.
A desire discrepancy, or a desire gap, is the most common problem brought to sex therapists. It's estimated that one out of every three couples experiences this difficulty. And that really doesn't count the kinds of hills and valleys that all couples go through, even when they have a really healthy sex life. It's really what becomes the main issue in their relationship.
Do these marriages often end in divorce?
Unless they get help, they often can. The other thing that happens is the person with the higher desire just lives their life in lonely misery. More men than women complain about not getting enough sex, [but] the difference between the two genders is not nearly as great as the general public believes. Low desire in men has got to be America's best-kept secret.
I teamed up with Redbook magazine to survey women about what goes on behind closed bedroom doors. Over 1,000 women responded, [and] 60% of them reported that they wanted at least as much, if not more, sex than their husbands. What was also interesting, but not surprising, is that the vast majority of men who experienced low sexual desire were completely unwilling to talk with their wives, go to a doctor or go to a therapist. In a culture that equates masculinity with virility, it's no wonder that these guys are tight-lipped.
So, what happens in these marriages is that women feel exasperated because they are incredibly lonely. They feel isolated. When someone is more highly sexed, the person who has less desire really thinks it's just about having an orgasm. [But] to the more highly sexed spouse, it is truly about feeling wanted and loved and emotionally connected.
You divide couples into higher-drive spouses and lower-drive spouses. Is that always true in marriages?
Sometimes [spouses] are fairly evenly matched — sex is not an issue, and it's a good part of their marriage. But it is very, very common for people to be mismatched in their sexual desire. That in and of itself is not a deal-breaker and is not necessarily a problem. How couples deal with that really becomes the issue. We discovered in the survey, and it bears itself out in my practice, that the person with the lower sex drive controls the sexual relationship, not out of a need to manipulate or control, but because they have veto power. If they're not in the mood, it doesn't happen. There's an unspoken agreement: the person with the lower desire expects his or her spouse to accept it, not complain about it, and also to be monogamous. In my years in working with couples, that's pretty much an unfair and unworkable arrangement.
What are the major reasons for these kinds of problems?
They fit into three categories: biological, emotional or relationship-oriented. [First], the biological reasons. There are many physical conditions that contribute to low desire, as well as the medications that treat them. It's a fairly well-known fact, for example, that most antidepressants dampen desire and the ability to be aroused. A cardiovascular disease of any sort is a problem too, as well as some of the medications that treat it. Hormonal fluctuations, such as testosterone, also affects sex drive. So it would make perfect sense for any man experiencing a drop in desire to start by visiting his physician and having a thorough check-up. That's step number one.
I know that a lot of women will be thinking to themselves, Yeah, right, how do I get my husband to the doctor? One of the tips I give women is that if your husband agrees, even mildly, to your suggestion to go to a doctor, use that as license to pick up the phone, schedule the appointment yourself and, when it comes time, get him in the car. You need to be the proactive one.
Very often the problem can be emotional. For example, depression is rampant. With the economy being what it is, companies are being downsized and men are losing their jobs. Women really do not understand the full impact it has on men's self-esteem when they are let go from their positions. Obviously the last thing they would be interested in is making love.
Other personal issues could be impacting on his desire to be physical: if he has a childhood history of sexual abuse, or if he grew up in a dysfunctional family and has low self-esteem. Or maybe he has a lack of knowledge about being a good lover. We're not born knowing that stuff. So education, therapy, talking about and addressing issues so that he feels better about himself — these are the steps he needs to take in order to feel like he's got something to give in the relationship.
What about relationship issues?
One myth I'd like to debunk is that if a man isn't interested in sex, it means there's some sort of sexual dysfunction. While sexual dysfunction undoubtedly contributes to a drop in desire, what I've found in working with couples is that the reasons men don't want to have sex are very similar to the reasons that women don't want to have sex. There could be underlying, unresolved relationship problems. Or one of the biggest complaints I hear from men is that their wives are critical or nagging. Trust me on this one, criticism and nagging are not aphrodisiacs. So, many men just go into a cave. You'll never be surprised to hear a woman say, If I don't feel close to my husband emotionally, I don't want to have sex. But you think men want to have sex regardless of the circumstances, even if the roof were caving in. It's not true. Some men may be like that, but many men really need to feel emotionally connected to their wives in order for them to want to be sexual.
You also talk about sexual confusion in the book.
Yes, there are many, many men who get married, have children and then, somewhere along the line, like in Brokeback Mountain, discover that they are either bisexual or homosexual. Needless to say, there's a time when they just don't want to have sex with their wives. [But] the man's drop in desire doesn't have anything to do with the wife, the woman. I point this out because one of the things that is so characteristic of sex-starved wives is that when their husbands aren't interested in sex, they immediately internalize it. They think there's something wrong with them — that they're not attractive, they're not lovable. They feel badly about themselves. And many times it has absolutely nothing to do with them and has everything to do with just the man himself.
But many women blame it on their physical appearance. Is that an issue?
Yes, and no. As I said before, sometimes guys are just overwhelmed, or they're fatigued, or they're drinking alcohol, which might lower their libido and their ability to function. So the "no" part is that it could have absolutely nothing to do with their wives.
But there's a "yes" part, too, that I don't want to overlook. I've gotten tons of e-mails and heard this many times from men in my practice, who say, "I love my wife. I want to stay married, but, I have to tell you, she has totally let herself go. She doesn't eat well. She doesn't exercise. All she ever wears is sweatpants. It makes me feel that she feels that the relationship isn't important. I've just lost my attraction for her." If [those wives] think there's any chance at all that their looks may have something to do with the problem, rather than bemoan the fact that they think their husbands are shallow — I agree — they should also understand that attraction is a very basic, animalistic thing — especially for men. Men are more visually oriented when it comes to arousal. So women can debate that, but the truth is, if they really want their husbands be more interested in them, they should pay more attention to how they're taking care of themselves physically.
Have you seen a lot of couples succeed in working out these types of problems?
You bet. I certainly wouldn't be doing what I do if I didn't see success, because it would be pretty depressing. I've already started to hear from women, based on this book, saying, I got my husband to read part of the book and for the first time he's willing to address this issue. That's the first step. In the same way that Bob Dole made "erectile dysfunction" a household word and took the sting out of having a sexual dysfunction, I think people need to feel it's okay. We know so much about how to help people, whether it's sexual dysfunction or biological problems, or emotional or relationship-oriented problems. There are so many resources available that anyone wanting a more robust sex life can have it. It's never too late to have a great sex life.
Well, from now on, I will start to look after my wife to address this issue. Ferry
Read more ...
Mengatasi Stress Secara Islami
Stress dan ketegangan ditengarai bisa menjadi pemicu penyakit jantung yang merupakan pembunuh nomor satu. Saat ini kebanyakan manusia mengalami keduanya karena tuntutan hidup yang semakin keras. Berikut ini beberapa cara untuk mengatasi stress secara Islam:
1. Istirahat siang
Keutamaan istirahat siang adalah untuk relaksasi tubuh sehingga membuat tubuh lebih santai dan membantu tidur pada malam hari menjadi lebih baik. Hal ini dapat dipraktekkan dengan berbaring selama waktu tertentu untuk istirahat santai, bukan tidur sepanjang siang. Waktu
yang dianjurkan antara 15-20 menit.
2. Posisi tidur
Pepatah kuno mengatakan raja tidur di atas punggung, orang kaya tidur di atas perut, dan orang bijak tidur pada sisi tubuh. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Apabila kamu ingin ke tempat tidur, berwudhulah terlebih dahulu sebagaimana kamu berwudhu untuk sholat. Kemudian berbaringlah di atas lambung kanan”. Dalam hal ini, wudhu membuat tubuh segar, bersih dan siap istirahat. Posisi miring ke kanan merupakan posisi yang membuat tubuh dapat berpindah dari satu sisi ke sisi lain dengan lebih mudah tanpa melakukan gerakan besar yang dapat mengurangi kenyamanan waktu tidur.
3. Bersedekah
Kehidupan yang serba materialistik dan indivudualis banyak melahirkan gangguan mental. Berawal dari kecemasan akan kepemilikan harta benda, status sampai ke penampilan akhirnya berujung pada depresi hingga gangguan jiwa. Terapi terbaik adalah dengan tidak menjadikan harta sebagai Tuhan dan kebebasan individu sebagai raja dan melatih diri untuk bersedekah.
4. Mengenakan simbol-simbol Islam
Saat ini lebih banyak yang menilai manusia hanya dari kedudukan, jabatan, gelar, produktivitas dan uang semata. Uang jadi penukar segalanya sehingga muncul anggapan bahwa hidup senang perlu uang. Rasul mendorong pengikutnya memperlihatkan keislaman mereka dengan
ciri wajah, pakaian, gaya berbicara, pergaulan dan sebagainya. Penampilan fisik jika dikombinasi dengan keyakinan bathin yang mantap tentang hidup dan kehidupan akan menghasilkan jati diri yang kuat. Batin pun menjadi aman, terlindungi dan terpuaskan.
5. Membaca Al-Qur’an
Tekanan hidup seringkali mengguncang keyakinan terhadap keadilan, kebenaran dan nilai2 luhur kemanusiaan yang berujung dapat mengahncurkan pegangan hidup. Al-Quran menyediakan penjelasan dan jawaban kejadian kehidupan jauh lebih lengkap dan dalam dari sekedar
mendengarkan musik, membaca novel, atau cerpen. Bagi yang sering mengulang2 membaca Qur-an dengan maknanya akan menemukan nasihat, penguatan bathin dan solusi terhadap
semua persoalan hidup. Sebaliknya, bagi yang tidak menjadikan Qur-an sebagai penasehat akan menemukan kesunyian hidup dan kegersangan hati yang dalam.
*disarikan dari Newsletter Donatur Dompet Dhuafa Republika edisi muharram 1429H*
Awas!! ...Gorengan Berbahaya
Awas..! Gorengan Berbahaya
Fatichatun Nadhiroh - DetikSurabaya
Surabaya - Anda suka dan terbiasa makan jajanan gorengan. Jika benar, berhati-hatilah. Sebab, bagi seseorang yang suka makan gorengan tiap harinya picu penyakit degeneratif.

"Banyak orang yang tidak tahu bahwa kebiasaan makanan gorengan adalah makanan yang memiliki risiko tinggi bagi kesehatan dan menjadi pemicu penyakit degeneratif," ujar ahli penyakit dalam RSU dr Soetomo Surabaya, Prof Dr dr Yogiantoro SpPD-KGEH saat berbincang-bincang kepada, Jumat (11/4/2008).
Penyakit degenarif itu antara lain, penyakit diabetes mellitus, kardiovaskular, serta stroke. Satu makanan gorengan, setara dengan tiga potong jenis makanan gorengan lauk dan lima potong makanan selingan atau dua potong lauk dan delapan potong makanan selingan.
Prof Yogi menjelaskan, pola makan makanan yang serba instan saat ini memang sangat digemari sebagian masyarakat perkotaan. Gorengan dan jenis makanan murah meriah lain kini juga mudah didapat karena banyak dijual di pinggir jalan.
"Penyakit degeneratif ini tidak menular. Tapi penyakit ini sudah menjadi penyakit serius di seluruh warga di seluruh dunia," tambahnya.
Penyakit kardiovaskular atau penyakit terkait kelainan pembuluh darah dan jantung kini menjadi pembunuh rangking pertama bagi usia di atas 40 tahun.
Sedangkan, kata dia, penyakit kardiovaskular disebabkan oleh tingginya kadar kolesterol total, LDL, dan trigliserida serta penurunan kadar HDL dalam darah.
"Tiap tahun, penyakit degeneratif akibat kebiasaan makan gorengan selalu meningkat. Peningkatan itu diakibatkan oleh dampak modernisasi yang mengubah perilaku sebagian masyarakat Indonesia menjadi pengonsumsi makanan yang rendah serat dan tinggi lemak," tegasnya.
Yaah...secara baru 5 menit yang lalu sebelum gw posting artikel ini gw beli gorengan pisang kesukaan gw sepanjang masa deket warteg kesukaan gw juga.
Kalau begitu gak tiap hari deh mulai sekarang kalo jajan gorengan.
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Ciuman "Hot" di Jalan Dr Susilo Bikin Macet
JAKARTA, SELASA - Arus lalu lintas di Jalan Prof Dr Latumeten Jakarta menuju ke Jalan Dr Susilo 7 Jakarta Barat, pada pukul 15.30 WIB ini, sedikit terganggu. Namun, gangguan ini bukan karena perbaikan jalan tol di Jembatan Tiga. Gangguan yang berlangsung sekitar lima menit itu terjadi karena seorang pengendara mobil yang sedang menuju Jalan Dr Susilo VII, 'berulah'.
Pengendara mobil BMW berwarna silver itu, ternyata sedang berciuman dengan pasangannya. Saking hot-nya, sang pengemudi tidak memperhatikan jalan. Dia tak sadar, kecepatan mobilnya yang terus melambat. Selain itu, dia juga tak peduli jika terdengar suara keras klakson dari deretan mobil di belakangnya.Adegan tersebut jelas terlihat oleh pengguna jalan yang sedang melintas.
Sontak, pemandangan itu membuat geger semua orang yang sedang berada di Jalan Susilo VII. Beberapa orang meneriakkan umpatan dan kalimat sindiran. "Woi, gila! Masih sore woi!" ujar Supri, seorang tukang parkir di jalan sempit tersebut. Supri menganggap hal ini merupakan salah satu contoh kemunduran moral generasi muda Indonesia.
Dia mengatakan generasi muda saat ini sudah terpengaruh oleh budaya barat yang bertentangan dengan budaya ketimuran."Enggak habis pikir. Ini kan jalan umum. Kenapa mereka enggak pilih tempat yang lebih elit? Mereka kan orang kaya. Emangnya enggak mampu nyewa tempat," ujar pria berusia 45 itu kesal, Selasa (8/4).
Namun, rupanya kedua sejoli yang sedang mabuk cinta itu tetap saja tak mempedulikan teriakan Supri dan teman-teman atas ulahnya. Dia tetap asyik melenggang bersama mobil, pasangan, dan ciumannya.(BOB)[posted for]
Weleh..weleh...mau jadi apa generasi muda kita?? Kalau masa muda cuma dibuat untuk hura-hura, pacaran, ciuman di depan umum, atau bahkan lebih...bikin video porno, disebarin di internet?? Masya Allah...
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Rabu, 19 Maret 2008, 12:04 WIB
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas institusi perencanaan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota melalui peningkatan potensi SDM di dalamnya serta sejalan dengan fungsi Bappenas sebagai Instansi Pembina Jabatan Fungsional Perencana, maka Bappenas pada Anggaran Tahun Dinas 2009 Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana (Pusbindiklatren) Bappenas kembali memberikan kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi staf perencana yang bekerja di Bappenas, Unit Perencanaan di Departemen/LPND, Bappeda atau nama lain, dan unit perencanaan di Dinas Teknis pada Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota untuk memperoleh Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2008 untuk program : (a) S2 Dalam Negeri 13 Bulan; (b) S2 Double Degree, (c) S2 Luar Negeri, S3 Dalam Negeri dan (d) S3 Linkage. Untuk seleksi beasiswa tahun 2009 dan seterusnya, Pusbindiklatren Bappenas membuka kesempatan menyampaikan usulan calon peserta melalui pendaftaran sepanjang tahun. Dengan demikian, dimulai dengan seleksi yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2008 ini, selanjutnya Pusbindiklatren Bappenas akan memiliki jadwal tetap, yaitu untuk pelaksanaan TPA setiap bulan Agustus dan pelaksanaan TOEFL setiap bulan September.
Untuk Selengkapnya silahkan download dibawah ini.
http://pusbindiklat ren.bappenas. php?nama= Berita&op= detail_berita& id=80
[posted for]
full-time Magister Manajemen (MM) students each year.
Subject Areas and Type of Scholars:
Open to highly talented and qualified potential leaders from
financially disadvantaged family. Preference is given to any students
who possess the necessary aptitude, personal qualities and interest in
Details of the Award:
Four scholarships are available each year paying tuition fee, books
and living allowance within the maximum tenure of 20 months.
Program Admission:
Application for the scholarship will be open each year. The full-time
MM Prasetiya Mulya program runs two intakes each year. The admission
process begins three to four months before the program intake. The
matriculation program starts in early March or July. Applicants must
complete both MM Prasetiya Mulya Application Form and Prasetiya Mulya
Future Leaders Scholarship Application Form.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Indonesian citizen who can demonstrate leadership potential
and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Hold a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from any legally
accredited Indonesian or overseas institution. For overseas graduates,
valid proof of full scholarship is required. A minimum Grade Point
Average (GPA) of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale) is required.
3. Applicant must be under 30 years of age when lodging the
4. Preferably having a minimum of two-year full time
professional work experience after the completion of their
undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
5. Pass Prasetiya Mulya screening process.
6. Preferably having: International or Institutional TOEFL with
a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based).
7. Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program
or school, or has already obtained a Master's degree or equivalent.
8. Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship
offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family
and that without the scholarship s/he will not be able to study for
our graduate (MM) program.
Enquiries and Contact Information:
Marketing & Admission Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Jl. R.A. Kartini, (Tol TB Simatupang) Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Phone: (021) 751-1126 ext.1005 (Rini), 1119 (Lina)
Fax: (021) 750-0462
Email: futureleaders@
Prasetiya Mulya Business School is a member of The Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International and The
Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS).
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Tuesday, April 08, 2008
'Unusual children's' book - Buku Cerita Anak Yg 'Unik'
Janganlah kasih sayang yang seharusnya kita berikan untuk buah hati kita tergantikan oleh orang lain, karena bisa-bisa buah hati kita malah menjadi korban lingkungan & kasih sayang yang 'salah'....
Pemberitahuan penting untuk kesehatan (Health- Important Notice)
Kurangi **TEH** **yang** **kamu konsumsi
Jangan membiasakan memakan roti yang telah dipanggang.
Jaga jarakmu dari telepon genggam **DALAM KONDISI DI CHARGE**
minum banyak **AIR** pagi hari, kurangi minum pada malam hari
Jangan meminum kopi **DUA KALI **satu hari
Kurangi makanan **BERMINYAK** yang kamu konsumsi
Waktu tidur terbaik dari **10pm **pada malam hari ke **6am **pagi-pagi
Jangan makan **BESAR **setelah 5pm
Jangan mengambil alkohol lebih dari satu gelas / cangkir satu hari
Jangan meminum pil dengan air **DINGIN**
Jangan langsung berbaring setelah minum obat disaat sebelum tidur
tidur **KURANG **dari 8 jam dapat mempengaruhi kesehatanmu
Orang-orang yang terbiasa tidur sebentar tidak akan mudah menjadi tua* *
Ketika baterai **LOW** , jangan menjawab telpon, radiasi yang dihasilkan
bisa 1000 kali
Jawab telpon dengan **telinga KIRI**
Ini akan merusak otakmu secara langsung jika mempergunakan **telinga kanan**
Jangan mempergunakan headphone / penyuara kuping dalam jangka waktu yang **LAMA
** Rehatkan telingamu sebentar setelah 1 jam
*Health - Important Notice ** (English)
Reduce the amount of **TEA **you consume
Do not eat bread which has only **JUST **been toasted
Keep your distance from hand phone **CHARGERS **
Drink more **WATER **in the morning, less at night
Do not drink coffee **TWICE **a day
Reduce the amount of **OILY **food you consume
Best sleeping time is from **10pm **at night to **6am **in the morning
Do not have **HUGE **meals after 5pm
Do not take alcohol more than one glass/cup/serving a day
Do not take pills with **COOL **water
Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping
Getting **LESS **than 8 hours of sleep affects your health
People used to napping will not get old easily
When battery is down to the **LAST **grid/bar, do not answer the phone
The radiation is 1000 times
Answer the phone by **LEFT **ear
It'll spoil your brain directly by using right ear
Do not use headphones/earphone for **LONG **period of time
Rest your ear awhile after 1 hour